In Depth

This page includes downloads with more detailed information about the Cascade Renewable Transmission Project as well as links to relevant studies and other data demonstrating renewable energy needs driven by load growth and public policy requirements and how the Project will help meet those needs. New informational resources will be added as they become available.

Project Overview

Download a description of Cascade Project’s innovative plan to connect the abundant clean energy resources located east of the Cascades with load centers in Oregon and Washington.

PNUCC Forecasts 30% Demand Growth for Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest Utilities Conference Committee’s (PNUCC) 2024 Northwest Regional Forecast projects a continued surge in electricity consumption leading to a 30% increase in demand over the next ten years.

Cascade Renewable Economic Study

Study by Energy GPS Consulting LLC, analyzes the costs and benefits of the Cascade Renewable Transmission Project, taking into account legislation in Washington and Oregon requiring 100% clean energy retail sales by 2045 in Washington, and 100% clean energy generation by 2040 in Oregon.

Cascade Renewable Transmission Files Comments with OR PUC on PGE IRP

Cascade Renewable Transmission encourages the Public Utility Commission of Oregon to acknowledge new transmission lines will be required to meet requirements of HB2021 in comments filed in PGE Integrated Resource Plan (“IRP) docket (LC80) on On Nov. 21, 2023.

Senator Wyden Urges Coordination to Meet Energy Needs

U.S. Senator Ron Wyden urges close coordination to prioritize Department of Energy opportunities to support transmission expansion within communities that have also received investments through the Department of Commerce’s CHIPS and Science Act programs.

Washington Transmission Corridors Work Group Final Report

The 2022 Final Report of the Washington Transmission Corridors Working Group notes that key stakeholders believe the state currently lacks sufficient transmission infrastructure to meet the states 2030 targets for renewable energy.

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